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Generating a spirit of friendship and social enrichment among its members, B’nai Tzedek Sisterhood provides wonderful educational and social programs throughout the year. Sisterhood is a pillar of our synagogue, supporting it spiritually and financially, and offering helping hands whenever needed.

B’nai Tzedek Sisterhood offers programs and project opportunities of interest to all women, even those with little or no time to spare, and provides the women of Congregation B’nai Tzedek a networking opportunity and an arena for educational, social, cultural, and service opportunities.

B’nai Tzedek Sisterhood is a member of Women of Reform Judaism, The Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. Founded in 1913, WRJ represents 100,000 members in 13 countries, 600 Sisterhoods and 8 U.S. Districts. As the women’s affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism, WRJ works on behalf of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and is founder and supporter of the Jewish Braille Institute of America, Inc.

If you are interested in learning more about Sisterhood, or would like to become a member, please contact Marcia Kass by Clicking Here to send an e-mail.


View the flyer for the next Sisterhood event HERE.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785